Monday, November 18, 2019

Truth in Numbers - UPDATED

While Larry keeps telling us that all the information on this blog are lies, we give you real numbers that he can’t deny.  We have posted many truths on this blog which has piqued the interest of many residents.  The grand total for last week was five thousand hits to the bog.  Our inbox is full of emails daily with questions and comments of disgust.  It appears that many of our residents had no clue the accidental village president was Larry Powell.  They question how it was legal or ethical for Thomas Heller to just clear the way for himself to a high dollar paying village job.  It is our opinion that Heller isn’t qualified and many of the firefighters we talked to who currently employed by the village feel the same way.

The village wants us to go away. They probably have their legal team looking for a way to shut us down.  The first amendment is a tricky one when all we do is spew out the truth. Oh Larry, we're just getting warmed up.

After taking a few shots at the village administrator Mark, the FOIA request one of our sources had sent to the village was responded to. Thank you Mark! Better late than never.

The data requested shows a direct correlation between Salvador Rodriguez being appointed deputy chief and the exodus either by terminations or resignations of cops who served the village for years:

Update from the comments (verified): 
You actually forgot a few: Jim Kostro (9 years), John Denis (1 day), Shook from Cicero (No show)
Then you have the hiring of cops who were either not qualified or saw through the bullshit and left. Two of these dudes didn’t even show up after being appointed. All vetted by Salvador Rodriguez:

Seven of these cops didn’t even make it past field training.  We are told that at least one of them was the friend of the Chief’s wife who had never worked a real cop job before.  A complete waste of village taxpayer dollars.  A few of these cops were hired prior to Salvador’s promotion but Salvador was the only one doing the hiring since Deputy Chief Perez was shutout of all decision making. It was the Gary and Sal show and if you didn't like it, you were guided to the exit.  Speaking of exit, someone should hold talk to some of those old timers that left or got fired.  We will again bet our paycheck that the stories they tell will be different from the stories told by Salvador when he faced the board.

A complete pattern of lies and failure but people change right Larry?


Anonymous said...

I would disagree with the comment that many of the firefighters feel Tom Heller is unqualified being Fire Chief. It’s definitely like EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of the department thinks he is unqualified and a complete joke. He has no idea what he is doing, and is an embarrassment to himself and this department. It is obvious he jumped on the opportunity to step down as the village president as long as he was guaranteed by his neighbor and friend Larry Powell that he would be given this high paying job that he does not deserve or have a clue what he is doing. The best part is the village just gave him a pay raise a few months after he was handed the job. How after a few months of doing nothing to better the department do you already get a raise????? This is dirty politics at its best!!! Hopefully the media gets involved quickly and makes this known to the residents. The residents are paying $80K a year for a person who completely WRONG for this job. The only thing Chief Heller has done for this department is embarrass it. How can you look at the residents in the eye knowing you are being highly compensated for a job you don’t deserve or know how to do just because you want to “play” Fire Chief. But than I guess as long as your checks clear your ok with being disrespected.

Anonymous said...

You actually forgot a few: Jim Kostro (9 years), John Denis (1 day), Shook from Cicero (No show)

Anonymous said...

you know it’s bad when you talk to a former high ranking member at a neighboring town where Tugboat Tommy use to work as a contract paramedic and their mouths drop open in shock that he was made Fire Chief. They said he couldn’t even cut it as a contract medic how is he capable of running a fire department. His only advice to me was find a new place to work, because Chief Tugboat Tommy is either going to get someone hurt or killed, the department/ village sued, or just completely destroy the fire department as a whole. If these are the comments from his peers I think it’s obvious he is a complete Joke and Waste of space. If you care at all about the fire service Chief Tommy, step down and let someone that knows what they are doing take care of buisness. It’s clueless wonders like yourself that’s ruining this great profession!!!!

Anonymous said...

But wasn't Heller a Cicero Fireman before?

Anonymous said...

LOL that’s funny. Chief Tommy was NEVER a full time firefighter ANYWHERE!!!! He has only worked as a private ambulance driver and a part time fire prevention officer

Anonymous said...

A contract paramedic.

Anonymous said...

Looks like every part timer has been replaced from the ones that were there less than 2 years ago. Counted up 19 who were fired or quit. This is on a 7 man Police Department. And the reason for sending a part time dispatcher to the police academy is??? Was this a "quid pro quo " to having dispatch handled by a specific agency when it goes to consolidation? Is this new part timer going to be made full time, as he was promised by dumpty chef? Funnyview is quickly getting the reputation of a place to stay away from. Keep running ads for part time and it's like getting the booby prize of applicants.

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right, Funny View is becoming one of those places that no body wants to work at because of all the shady stuff that goes done. A prime example is the fire department. The department can hardly fill shifts with three guys and are constantly running short. Numerous times they have had to take the ambulance out of service because of lack of manpower so there is no ambulance for the residents. Or the shift may run with out enough firefighters to take the engine out. Thankfully McCook and Stickney FD don’t have staffing issues and are able to cover Forest View every time this happens. And you ask why we cannot staff our own fire department for the residents..... because of the man in charge Fire Chief Tommy. People find out he is the chief and refuse to apply for the jobs. They know what a joke and clueless wonder he is, and that he has no idea what he is doing. They don’t want to be associated with an embarrassment like that, or have him hurt or kill them with his complete lack of knowledge on how to run a department. There are a number of other part time departments in the area ( Stickney, Merrionette Park, Riverside) that never have staffing issues. I encourage the residents of forest view to talk to your firefighters and ask them how they feel about Chief Tom and the job he is doing. I think it would be a real eye opener and maybe the Village Board will listen to the voice of the residents and find a Fire Chief that can actually get shifts filled and properly provide emergency services to the Village of Forest View. We all know Chief Tommy isn’t capable of doing it.

Anonymous said...

- definition of a Fire Chief: is a top executive rank and commanding officer of a fire department

- definition of Chief Tugboat: is the highest ranking member of a fire department, but who has no idea how to be a fire chief or command a department

- definition of a leader: a person who leads a group or organization

- definition Of Chief Tugboat: a person who has no idea how to lead a department, motivate anyone, take command of anything and is all around clueless to his job and responsibilities
( I mean read his emails, enough said.... what a joke)

- definition of respect: admiration for someone because of their abilities, qualities and achievements

Definition of Chief tugboat: awkward silence...... because No one within the department respects him at all, he brings nothing positive to the fire department and hasn’t achieved anything in his three decade career...... except for a back door job deal for a job he should NOT be holding!!!

This pretty much sums it up, and is why no one in the department listens to Chief Tugboat Tommy Heller, no one respects him or his orders or will ever do anything he says when it comes to an incident. What a complete waste of space. I just can’t believe he is so clueless that he still comes to work and tries to “ play the boss” of a department full of guys that hate him.

For a long time it was funny to see his cartoonish qualities and him try to pretend to be a Chief. But now the constant laughing behind his back is getting old and it’s just beginning to be very sad and embarrassing that he is the person chosen to be Chief.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Forest View residents need to get together and do what these residents did in Leon Valley - do a recall! Watch the video!

Anonymous said...

I disagree that Chief dumb dumb Tommy Tugboat hasn’t accomplished anything in his 30 plus years in the fire service...... after talking to a lot of the members of the fire department he is quickly securing the title of the WORSE and most INCAPABLE Fire Chief in the history of the Forest View Fire Department. And that probably holds true as just the WORST Fire Chief to ever hold that title anywhere!!!!

Anonymous said...

It’s amazing, every part timer was pushed to quit or stuff was made up to push them out the door. Officers that were there for YEARS. Doesn’t anyone see a pattern??? Of course they don’t, they are to busy making up bullshit lies.