Sunday, September 15, 2019

Skeletons Unearthed

When you apply for a job, your prospective employer would normally do one of those background checks where you pee in the cup and get your head and references checked. Forest View doesn't do those for everyone.  The public works guy slipped through the cracks and now it looks like the police chief Gary Wiseman slipped through some cracks himself.  A concerned neighbor shared a file that was obtained through a FOIA request that was sent to the Stickney cops.  We sure in hell would never be able to get a job with a work history like the one in these documents.  From a lost gun found in the back seat of a cop car by a prisoner to the annual suspensions for many different violations.

Good reading material for your toilet time: CLICK HERE FOIA documents

In the wake of the firing and hiring scandal, accidental village president Larry Powell continues to support this chief even after he was given the information by village trustees.  It is time for the  accidental village president to step down.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Nice Cop Cars

When you see a cop car, you would think they are well fitted with the best technology available.  Forest View cop cars have been without cameras since they were purchased.  Someone should call Mark Masorolla or whatever his name is at the village office and ask him if there is any money for the cameras in the budget.

This is why he will say no:
  1. They pay two huge salaries for the depurdy chief queef and his pappa chief only getting the work of one in return
  2. The Village spent money on sending the depurdy chief queef to school to learn how to be a depurdy chief queef
  3. The Village is paying hourly wages for training of newly hired cops that don't stay
No cameras to protect our cops from false complaints.  No cameras to catch the deputado chief queef's impersonator while he is m-effing a poor citizen.  No cameras to help cops do DUI arrests.  Instead they have to rely on the troopers from the state to come and help and borrow their cameras.