Friday, April 17, 2020

The Chewbacca Defense

The new theft of government funds scandal has grown legs. The village is surprisingly taking action however Sal Rodriguez feels he’s untouchable.  We witnessed the embattled deputy chief driving around town in a regular cop uniform instead of his usual white one.  We inquired about the uniform change and were told that Mr. Rodriguez has done this in protest.  But what exactly is he protesting? It’s like Bernard Madoff walking around naked in protest of getting caught. The village started to realize that Rodriguez is a great storyteller when he dropped that Chewbacca defense for his timecard mishaps.  Rodriguez has lost his credibility with all but two officers. The only two that benefit from Rodriguez’ existence.  We don’t even need to mention who they are, they stick out like a sore thumb.  We still can’t understand how an officer who is under investigation is still riding around enforcing any kind of laws in our village. Especially one being accused of theft and submitting false timecards.  And if you support him, you are part of the problem.  Gary should take notes from our neighbors to the north.  Ask them how to do a proper employee theft of government funds investigation.

From the comments:

To the unposted commenter: You can distance yourself all you want from this “political witch hunt”, but if someone stole money out of your wallet, we are sure you would be calling your “friends” at the FBI.  Retire already, you are just as useless as the dunkin’ donuts cop.