Sunday, November 10, 2019

Collateral Damage

Last evening during a planned social function we learned that a Forest View dispatcher was fired on Thursday by Salvador and Gary.  A letter was sent to Larry Powell to inform him about the termination and that it was for policy violations. This kind of happening is not usually newsworthy but we then learned the circumstances behind the episode.  During Salvador’s internal investigation on how this blog gets it’s information, he was sifting through hours of security video looking for his big break in the case.  Salvador came across a video of the dispatcher in question snapping a photo of a blotter log.  We asked why she would do something like that and after it was explained it made all the sense in the world.

The Forest View cop department is still running on antiquated pen and paper databases.  There is no computerized database of calls that come into the cop station.  A blotter log is created on a computerized spreadsheet then printed and stored for historical purposes.  This makes stuff difficult when someone needs to search for information about something in those logs that happened in the past.  The cops and dispatchers can’t just go to a computer and search, they have to go grab a stack of printed sheets of paper and go page by page to locate what they are looking for.  Cops, dispatchers and even Salvador have taken pictures of schedules, computer screens, logs or cop reports.  We are told that this is common practice in Forest View. Maybe Salvador should check his text message history and look at the times he requested reports or log information from his Coke Bottle assistant or any other dispatcher and cop.  We are assured that Salvador’s own cell phones are full of the same kind of photos the fired dispatcher snapped. Not only of cop blotters or cop reports but of private citizen's driver's licenses and insurance cards.  That would make for a lot of policy violations for everyone if a policy that says "no cell phone photos allowed" even exists.

The fired dispatcher worked in the Forest View cop station about 3 or 4 times a month so why would she be the target of the leaky faucet investigation?  As bad as we want to feel for her, she should have seen this coming.  We are told she sleeps with Salvador’s enemy, the cop that Salvador fired back in August.  Salvador despises the guy and probably wants to bang his girlfriend, but she probably wouldn’t give it up. On the other hand, Salvador can’t figure out how the information is leaving the cop station, so she was the first to go. Gotta have something to show the Larry and Mark club that Salvador is taking action to stop the bleeding! Common sense says the dispatcher should have started looking for a new job the day they fired her lover. She was collateral damage and automatically guilty by association. Can't really feel sorry for her there.

Needle in a hay stack.

We have been following the happenings at the cop department for a long time. Many friends have been made throughout the years that are connected to the Forest View cop department directly and indirectly.  We have also made anonymous friends who email us content, rumors and many many pictures from fake looking email accounts. Then there's Mr. Coke Bottles, he hears it, he goes home and kills a bottle of vodka and then everyone hears it by night fall.  Everyone seems to know that loud mouth.  We haven't seen things in our inbox that look like blotter logs or cop reports. We are told that nothing on those blotters would be of any value to this blog.  We know what Salvador is looking for, unfortunately it will take him a year or two of sifting through video surveillance to find it.  The images emailed to us anonymously look to have been taken quite some time ago by people Salvador probably burned and may no longer work there.  They could have been taken and passed around by someone who didn't like Salvador back then but now is his best friend.  Many people had access to that office Salvador sits in now.  See, that office was a “watch commander” office before Salvador kicked everyone out and changed the locks.  It was open all day, and all night.  It could really be anyone that steps foot in that office, even those Salvador break's bread with.  Salvador's very own Judas.  Salvador will keep looking for heads to chop but this blog has gone from information leaks to whistle-blower status.  The head he chops next may be the one that takes Gary, Salvador and the village to the bank.  If the first amendment doesn't get them, the whistle-blower act will.

We won’t keep calling the information sent to our inbox a leak.  A leaker only distributes information for personal gain. Gee, where did we hear about a leak before?  Oh yes, the chipmunk who made copies of cop reports and went to show politically influential people who weren’t cops in hopes that they would choose him for the Deputy Chief position since he knew how to write a sentence (for the record, this is a run-on sentence). It was illegal and a violation of policy but he didn’t get fired. No one even slapped his hand.  They blew the whole thing off.  Salvador fires a dispatcher for doing something Salvador and everyone else in that cop department does on a daily basis but turns the other way to the blatant violation of law and privacy committed by Alvin.  They should check Alvin’s locker, the manila folder may still be there with all the reports he was parading around with.  We are told that Gary Wiseman knew that this happened. As a matter of fact, Gary was a witness to Alvin's actions but Gary sat on his hands, monitored the park and did nothing.

Accountability. Google it.


Anonymous said...

Toot comes Tugboat Tommy

I know the PD Chief and DC get pointed out a log on here, but lets not forget about the completely unqualified Fire Chief Tommy. In the time that he's been chief (a position that was given to him in a back door deal) he has done NOTHING to make the department any better. He is unqualified and in way over this head. He can't make a decision about ANYTHING on his own. To afraid people won't like him. He thinks being fire chief means driving around town in the chief car and waiving to people in parades. Other than that he is USELESS. He came into the department preaching about bringing back pride and tradition but has done nothing but kill morale. The only thing he has brought back to the fire service is contact talk among members about a letter of no confidence. He is the joke of the fire department. Members don't trust him and don't want him around. IF you want to come and "play" Fire Chief, do the department a favor and hide in your office like other chiefs who realize they don't know what they're doing and aren't respected members of the department. And at least dress the part and look like a real Chief, maybe button down shirt and badge instead of polos that are too small for him!!! And the members don't want him on calls for fear he will hurt someone or embarrass the department even more than he already has, he should never be allowed to run a call of any kind. Stop acting like you have a clue tugboat, realize you don't and stand in the background and be thankful you receive a check 2 times a month that you haven't earned.

That being said I guess the only thing some guys at the FD don't agree with is people calling the Chief Tugboat Tommy, that's not really fair, I mean after all Tug Boats are useful and actually do work....

Anonymous said...

If you want to know who the leaker is, leave a dozen Dunkn Donuts in a plain,brown, paper bag, under the old oak tree in No Fun the dead of night...And, nya,nya, you'll never take me alive, copper!

Anonymous said...

One sided blog you pussys hide behind anonymous

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If you want to know who the leaker is, leave a dozen Dunkn Donuts in a plain,brown, paper bag, under the old oak tree in No Fun the dead of night...And, nya,nya, you'll never take me alive, copper!

Man... you got it wrong! That mother fucker is afraid of the dark. Hes at home under the covers in Stickney or banging some married broad on Wisconsin. Or getting banged by the married broad. She has more balls than he does.

Rollo La Rue said...

"One sided blog you pussys hide behind anonymous"
Shut up, ImbaSal.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

At least his dead foot doesn't stink up the station like a decomposing raccoon. Careful what you wish for. Now that ole stink foot bullshitted himself into a real chief's job, when it ends he might decide to crash land at da View. Talk about a guy that can fuck up a one car funeral! Luckily the Chicago and suburb guys over at FVFD know what the fuck they're doing.

Anonymous said...

Ok, Mr.Ex Sgt. obvious.

Anonymous said...

Kiser still works at forest view?? I thought he isn't supposed to be working part time anymore because it's against North Riverside rules.

Anonymous said...

it’s scary that the options include Tugboat, a clueless, bumbling joke ....... or the egomaniac, footless wonder who has no fireground or leadership experience

Anonymous said...

Sal is trying to erase the video of him and the belt keeper bandit in the station. That is before he pissed her off and made her quit too. No more belt keepers for you!

Anonymous said...

it’s scary that the options include Tugboat, a clueless, bumbling joke ....... or the egomaniac, footless wonder who has no fireground or leadership experience

None of these fools have any leadership experience. You have a police chief that gets demoted from commander in stickney for getting caught banging his GF while on-duty.

You have a deputy chief of police that graduated from a part time academy and gets passed over for full time because his fat ass couldn't pass a power test. Makes sargent and gets promoted to Deputy chief in less than two years..... Yes sir! Look at all that leadership experience!!

These nitwits want to come around barking orders like they are god's gift to law enforcement. GTFOH!

Anonymous said...

He doesn't. But you know he won't last in NR after a few of his "Krazy Kizer Fireman Fuck ups" and will be back, with all his Chief's experience, and to razzle dazzle everyone with his war stories from NR. I do miss fucking with him, though.

Anonymous said...

I don’t know why everyone cares or is surprised The Fire Chief has no idea what he is doing. He has been let go from so many jobs before because of incompetence and f**king something up that it’s just a matter of time until it happens at Funny View.

Anonymous said...

I agree with be careful what you wish for with a Fire Chief. I mean it’s obvious that Chief Tommy doesn’t know how to be a Chief , but than again the only one that considers him the Chief is himself. No one else does!! No one listens to him or takes orders from him, it’s a joke. I mean we all go to the people in the department that knows what they are doing and who we actually respect..... and that’s not tugboat. So if all we have to do is make him lunch and listen to an old war story, and we get left alone.... I’m good with that.

Anonymous said...

I love that "Ol" Stink Foot" is getting some love on here.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sal is trying to erase the video of him and the belt keeper bandit in the station. That is before he pissed her off and made her quit too. No more belt keepers for you!

Linda listen! Listen Linda!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...