Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Political Favors Part 3

Background investigation? Who needs one when you have a buddy to vouch for you?

While the village is busy chasing their own tail searching for their internal “leak”, we were busy taking advantage of the external information resources available to us.

Kudos to the folks over at Merrionette Park that actually abides by the law unlike the Village of Forest View’s municipal administrator.

Merrionette Park provided further proof of a Forest View cop being hired without a background investigation.  We are sure that Merrionette Park didn’t fabricate this, or did they?


We can hear the explanation now:
“These individuals were already police officers in other towns so there wasn’t a need for a full background investigation”.
What they really mean to say is:
“These police officers are buddies of my buddies, so don’t worry about a background”
“I didn’t have time to get them done”
December, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August

You could almost have a kid in that time frame.

We are told that the female cop in question is a very nice person and a great cop and coworker. This is not an attack at her character. This is an attack on the lack of accountability for the actions of the second in command who likes to hold his peasants accountable for not reading or responding to emails in a “timely manner”. People get fired for that in Forest view.

It’s okay, Larry and his cronies buddies will just look the other way.

It’s all fabricated.


Anonymous said...

Sal is perfect. God's gift to law enforcement! Super qualified!

Anonymous said...

Why does funny view have to do a professional and complete background?? I mean they pick and choose what rules to follow, depending on who their friends are at the time. They hired Fire Chief Tugboat Tommy under very questionable situations. He was appointed fire chief without any interview process or candidate search. How is that finding the best man for the job????? It’s not, it’s giving your friend and neighbor a high paying job that he isn’t qualified for or able to handle. The reason they couldn’t hold interviews or post the job is because there is NO WAY he would have been the best man for the job. I mean he is the fire Chief and unable to make a decision or run an incident on his own. Why you ask??? Because he is unqualified and clueless. That is why it was handed to him in a back door political favor. Because ANYONE else they could have interviewed would have for sure been more qualified and competent. He is a danger to everyone that works at FRVW. It’s not funny or acceptable for members of the department or the residents that their fire chief is a unqualified incompetent wanna be leader and chief. Peoples lives and homes are at stake. The only thing he is qualified for and only decision he can make on his own is what kind of candy his wife and him will toss from the fire chief car at the next parade. Tugboat Tommy has to go and someone who has a clue needs to be hired, so besides doing proper background checks, how about doing proper, professional job searches and interviews. But unfortunately as long as his best friend and neighbor keeps up his side of the crooked deal that made him mayor, I am sure tugboat Tommy will be the fire chief and lives and property will be at risk. On the bright side the best cure for stress is laughter and all the members of the fire department sure laugh enough at tugboat Tommy behind his back on his incompetency.

Anonymous said...

The FVPD is a waste to the Taxpayers. Dump all the top heavy clowns, and let the county come in. Our taxes would go down tremendously, and all the part timers can search for real jobs instead of babysitting stop signs all day

Traffic Stop Warrior said...

She is a better cop than Erica, the other female there. It was a hoot watching Erica training another new cop that knows way more than her.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The FVPD is a waste to the Taxpayers. Dump all the top heavy clowns, and let the county come in. Our taxes would go down tremendously, and all the part timers can search for real jobs instead of babysitting stop signs all day

Be careful what you wish for... ask the people that live in central stickney how that county shit works out for them. They end up calling CPD for help when county is far away. They used to call forest view but they got tired of hearing that forest view wasn't available.

Anonymous said...

I lived there for years, it wasn’t bad at all. Might seem worse now because all the shitheads that have moved in. The county actually handles a lot of calls from central to Harlem because cpd is too busy in the east side of the district(englewood) FV aren’t available because they’re too busy harassing people at the establishments on archer. Another thing, look at the FV pensions solvency....very underfunded, even compared to the rest of this horrible state

Anonymous said...

County is available...that problem lies with the dispatching. A lot of calls get crossed and sent back and forth before someone gets dispatched.

Anonymous said...

County is available...that problem lies with the dispatching. A lot of calls get crossed and sent back and forth before someone gets dispatched.

Okay know it all. County isn't available when you most need them. Wife is getting her ass beat by husband and county is 20 minutes away closing some bar in the west suburbs. They always call surrounding towns for help.

Anonymous said...

If you have 22-25 part time guys on the roster, all they would have to do is work 2.5 shifts per week, and that police department could be all part time. At $25 per hour, that would be about $220000 a year for police. Maybe have a chief for $60k a year. No medical, no pension, no overtime.

Anonymous said...

Ill never understand why the Village of Forest View has a full time Police Department. This small town should be the model agency for a part-time department. You can pay part-timers $15 a hour (not $25!!!)and you'll have a line out the door with people looking to "be the police". Such a massive financial burden to this small town to pay for a full time PD, salaries, benefits, pension, etc. I feel one day the residents will get wise to this financial burden and demand it be transitioned into part time.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ill never understand why the Village of Forest View has a full time Police Department. This small town should be the model agency for a part-time department. You can pay part-timers $15 a hour (not $25!!!)and you'll have a line out the door with people looking to "be the police". Such a massive financial burden to this small town to pay for a full time PD, salaries, benefits, pension, etc. I feel one day the residents will get wise to this financial burden and demand it be transitioned into part time.

No one in their right mind would risk their life in a uniform for $15 an hour. And if they do, just like any other job, you get what you pay for. With all the revenue from the businesses, the village is NOT cash strapped. They are just lining the pockets of the connected like a deputy chief that isn't needed. A fire chief that isn't needed. The village can save tons by having a public safety director. One person to manage both the fire and police department. But that will not happen. Gott a pass the cash around to the connected. Money for everyone!