Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Virtual Board Meeting

Since the village has a hard time posting meeting information on the website, we will do it here for them.

Virtual board meeting Tonight, Tuesday 5/26/2020 7PM

To join using your computer:

Log onto: https://zoom.us/j/84161742610

To call in and join by telephone call 312-626-6799 and use Meeting ID 841 6174 2610


You are not required to identify yourself to enter the meeting or once you are in the meeting.  If you are removed from the meeting, you may be able to take legal action against the village for your unlawful removal.

You may be asked to identify yourself if you make a public statement during the public statement segment of the meeting.


Anonymous said...

I was busy and missed the meeting. Does anyone know if the board stood up to Powell and demanded that his neighbor, I mean, his buddy, I mean his political favor partner, I mean his back door deal accomplice, Fire Chief Tommy Tugboat be removed from his position?

Anonymous said...

Gary does tend to go off the deep end at every Board meeting. I believe a warm glass of milk and Honey Buns from Shell should mellow him out.

Anonymous said...

You should read Roberts rules for parliamentary procedure so you can learn how to act appropriately in a village meeting.
Larry should too, he's allowing you break the rules.

Anonymous said...

Shut this blog down.