Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Political COVID-19 Cuts

It was an eventful Tuesday in our small village of Forest View.  Fox 32’s Dane Placko paid the police department barber shop a visit to inquire about the $30 Gary Wiseman haircut special.

When this story first broke, the village trustees were assured that the hair cut services were never rendered.  In a phone interview with Fox news, Powell continued to deny that any of this took place.

Through some brilliant investigative reporting, Dane Placko discovered that Gary Wiseman and others did get their hair trimmed by Wiseman’s personal stylist in the police chief’s office.

So who lied? Did Gary lie to Larry, or did Larry lie to his trustees?

During an on-location interview, Powell said the police chief Gary Wiseman apologized to him several times, but no apology was ever sent to the entire department that received his scathing “cowardice” big bully email.

Absent from the news report was the manager of the barber shop Gary Wiseman. Sources say he locked himself in his office, cut the lights and never came out. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

Political motives Larry?  How about accountability?  You rat out your own residents when they block sidewalks with their cars but you are the biggest offender. Your fire chief has proven to be incompetent not only in his current position but also in his past places of employment. Your deputy chief of police commits FELONY theft of government funds and lies to your face, but you let him continue to do what he pleases. COVID or not, any other town would have had him removed immediately. And now your chief, potentially exposes himself and others to COVID-19 by allowing a stylist to be up close and personal.  What we want to know is who vacuumed the hair off the chief’s carpet?

You are all ego Mr. Larry “Because I said so” Powell.

We are just calling it like it is, the media always wins but the fat lady hasn't started singing just yet.


CouchGamer said...

You can thank Larry Powell for this embarrassing news report. When Larry was asked if they could interview the chief by phone, Larry said he wasn't going to allow Gary to speak to them. Larry should learn from this. You can't tell the media they can't do something.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the cops were out getting some more miles on their cars last night. Gang graffiti all over businesses on Harlem. Great job Gary! Your patrol strategy is working better than ever!

Anonymous said...

Gary opened a whole can of works over a hair cut. I don't think he realizes it yet. The next board meeting should be real entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Felony haircuts. what a joke

This is why other Officers from other agencies laugh at Funnyview. Clearly you guys and your former peers work harder at bitching about tiny things and playing Facebook DJs then they do working as street cops.

Instead of bitching at the boss why don’t you try and work with him so we don’t have to hear you guys bitch anymore. You guys act like entitled children that run from parent to parent when they don’t like something.

You guys Literally make 80k+ to patrol 1 square city block..

Anonymous said...

Felony haircuts. what a joke

Why don't you come work here and show us how it's done? When the DC starts putting paper on you for not wiping his ass correctly, then we will see if you are playing the same tune. We need some part timers now so come put your money where your mouth is pussy. Even better, talk to anyone who just started in the past year and get their fresh take on it. You will find out that what you think you know is not reality. Only one person went crying to his daddy, and now everyone knows who it was. We are sure his days here are not going to be pleasant going forward. Hair cuts are the least of our problems.

Commander said...

make sure you say you are with sal. guaranteed spot on the department.

InsideEdition said...

The traffic stop warrior has been quiet. Too busy being a Facebook DJ? wikki wikki..

Anonymous said...

How much of a kickback did Gare Bear get from the hair bimbo?

Anonymous said...

That's pretty sad that some people have nothing better to do than stalk former employees from other departments on social media.

Anonymous said...

bitching about tiny things...

If you think felony theft and providing false reports by a deputy chief are tiny things, you should turn in your badge.

Traffic Stop Warrior said...

Just taking in the sights on this blog.

Leticia from Shell said...

I remember the trimmings you gave me in my "office" Gar-Bear.

Rollo La Rue said...

Hey Gary, reading your email I couldn't help but think you need to get Grammarly. They even have a free version for cheap asses.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Dane Placko should look into why the SS Tommy Tugboat took the village chiefs car to go to the dentist while on duty at his $80,000 a year job.

Anonymous said...

The chip who would be munk, Chipmunk Gale.

ISP said...

We haven't had your DC telling us to cut loose any of our arrests lately. Is everything OK in Funnyview?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cut loose, you say? Speaking of cut loose. If the village was smart, they'd cut Heller loose and save themselves $80k a year during these tough times. From what I've heard, the two Deputy Chiefs of the FD actually command the respect of the firefighters because they are actually competent in their jobs. They actually DO the job, not just tell old fabricated stories from all the other places that fired them, unlike useless Tugboat.

Anonymous said...

Time to cut the waste fraud and abuse. Bring in darts band of brown clowns and get rid of the part time wannabes in forest view. Taxes are already too high, let’s get something for our money

Anonymous said...

There's only one wannabe on the fire department and I assure you, it's none of the part timers.