Monday, March 29, 2021

Vote to Keep the Boat Afloat

Tom Heller is up to his old games again. Why lie to the residents about how he was appointed fire chief? A first year rookie firefighter has more experience than the tugboat. With his home in foreclosure and the fire department in shambles, Heller wants us to trust him with running the village.  We wouldn't trust him to give us our change back from a food run. Heller is so desperate, he has his followers stealing political signs off of front lawns.

Larry on Defense

Larry claims to be embarrassed about being part of village government in Forest View. How quickly he has forgotten his past like not showing up for meetings and shouting at speakers when they didn't agree with him.  Face it Larry, you are a joke. You could never win an election before and much less now with all the corruption flowing through your veins.  The really sad part of your legacy is that you involved your own kids in your political game.  Some day they will grow up and see the nasty side of your "because I said so" persona. Many in this village are glad you will be gone, especially those who you snitched on with your petty overnight parking fetish.

We feel sorry for Tommy and his financial troubles but this is an important job. Giving Tommy a second chance comes with a risk of not being able to remove him if he tanks our village. It is only a matter of time before the village is sued for a mistake he makes.

Choose wisely folks.

1 comment:

Leticia's Ex said...

Does Tommy have Sal stealing signs off of lawns on midnight's? Hopefully if Miller gets in, it will mean the end of the Love-Bear- Gar and Sticky Fingers Sal regime. Hopefully the ISP Public Integrity Unit can look into Sal's double dippin, money grabbin' bonanza, paid for the people of the Village of Funnyview and the Plainfield High School District.