Saturday, December 14, 2019

Rubber Stamp for Sale

When village code is changed it needs to be approved by the elected officials.  A topic we know has come up is what we have been preaching for the past couple months.  The deputy chief has been getting paid overtime and collecting compensatory time.  A deputy chief is an exempt position which should not be entitled to comp time.  Our published village code says the same thing, the deputy chief is not allowed to get overtime.  Another closed door deal by the village people.  This type of deal should have been approved by the village board but when you ask them, they have no recollection of making such a deal or approving the change of the village code.  What is so special about this deputy chief that everyone lays out the red carpet wherever he steps?


Traffic Stop Warrior said...

Oh, oh. Someone might be getting some deductions from his check for the foreseeable future.

Anonymous said...

The people who are favoring him now had better watch out because he will stick in their ass as soon as it benefits him to do so.

Anonymous said...

Seems like there's a lot of closed door, i mean backstabbing, i mean backdoor deals going on around here. But according to the Village President which we did not elect, The blog is nothing but lies, yet they won't allow us residents to speak at the village board meetings and i have yet to hear of this so called village board meeting that is going to take place to address all these lies on the blog..............or are they just stalling to come up with more lies to cover the truth. How about we just ask the chief or deputy chief since theres good at coming up with false truths when questioned by the trustees.

Traffic Stop Warrior said...

While talking about incompetence and spending, let's talk about a caper we'll call "The 12 Pack Clusterfuck."

A young Hispanic gentleman, after a night of smoking crack and weed, had a parched mouth. The young man got a hankering for a taste of the "Amber Liquid of the Gods" to quench that thirst. Problem was, he was about $7.95 short of the $8 cost of that 12 pack of beer. Attaining it was just out of his grasp. What to do? Well, paying for it was not an option. Stealing it would surely result in arrest and incarceration. His brain was reeling, "Where can I steal that beer I so need, with no repercussions?" Hell, I'll go to Funnyview!

So the young man travels to Funnyview Shell, where he painstakingly selects just the right 12 pack of that amber nectar he so craved. He bypasses the register and flees into the night.

A Police report was made and the case was turned over to the Funnyview Detective Division. The Dumpty Chef, having extensive, prior, investigative experience, spearheaded the investigation. After hundreds of hour of investigation (actually having the coke bottle glasses kid on the desk, shakily punch the criminal’s license plate into the computer) , ascertained the perp’s name and address of his hide out. The Dumpty Chef and his young detective set out on their adventure. They drove in their unmarked detective car to the deep, dark, recesses of the mean streets of Chicago’s south side. They set up a covert surveillance of the desperado’s hide out. Minutes turned into hours, but the Funnyview Detective Division was not to be deterred. Alas, a car pulls up! Is it? Yes! Our hard work has paid off. It was the bad guy! If only he knew these were his last minutes of freedom…..Or were they?

Traffic Stop Warrior said...

The Dumpty Chef and his young detective approach the subject, announcing their office, “ Funnyview Police, you are under arrest!” The desperado, not wanting to give up his freedom, shoves the young detective. Now, this beer theft has turned into a felony of battery to a Police Officer. The desperado flees into his lair, with the Funnyview detectives in hot pursuit. Uh, no, not quite. The dumpty Chef and his young detective go back to their detective car…..and leave! All this work and then…nothing. The ride back to Funnyview was the equivalent to the walk of shame. The bad guy was undoubtedly looking out his window, watching the retreat. Probably cracking open another bottle of his ill-gotten beer, while laughing.

After returning to Funnyview HQ (Headquarters in Police jargon), the Dumpty Chef formulated a plan. He would use all his detective and negotiating skills to lure the fugitive to the Funnyview HQ. He talked to the fugitive and after minutes of negotiations, the fugitive agreed to turn himself in. The fugitive beer thief also had a plan to keep his freedom. Instead of surrendering himself to the crack Detective Unit of the Funnyview PD., he would, instead go to the scene of the crime and pay for the stolen beer, thus averting arrest. He enters the Shell. The attendant observes him and notifies the Funnyview PD. A call goes out over the radio “Funnyview units, beer thief at the Shell.” “Car 138, I’m responding. Be advised I’m locked and loaded.” “Car 137. Car 137…” “137 to Funnyview, I’ll be in the bathroom, being this is a possible criminal call.”

“138, I’m on the scene. Be advised the fugitive is attempting to pay for the stolen beer.” “137, I’m still in the bathroom.” “Dumpty Chef to Funnyview. Have those units stand down until I arrive to take charge of the scene.”

Traffic Stop Warrior said...

But car 138, the Ex Sergeant lovingly know to all at Home School as “Mr. Wellington,” saw his chance to festoon his uniform with another Dept. award…Possibly another Award of Valor. The fugitive exits the Shell..Ex Sgt Wellington sees his chance to move in on the desperado. “Funnyview I’m in foot pursuit. I’m chasing Senor Desperado around the 4 foot by 4 foot storage shed.” “He’s trying to disarm me!” “Funnyview, be advised this subject is wanted for murder! Get the helicopter up! He’s running south on Harlem. Notify MCAT!” “137, be advised I’m about to wipe up here in the bathroom.” The Chef even woke up and careened down sidewalks on Harlem attempting to bring this cretin to justice. For the second time in as many days, the wiley fugitive has made good his escape. “137 to Funnyview, I’m 10-8.”

Epilog: A day later, the elusive beer bandit did surrender himself to the Funnyview PD Detective Division, knowing he was free on borrowed time. He was charged with misdemeanor theft and given an I-Bond (personal recognizance) . The Dumpty Chef, the young detective, Ex Sgt. Wellington, and Officer Erica were all given psychological counseling for PTSD directly related to this incident.

There’s a reason it’s called Funnyview PD.

Rollo La Rue said...

Did Erica successfully avoid going to the call until everything was over?

Sal is a pendejo. said...

Dumpty Chief ImbuSal a detective? He couldn't find a Urlacher billboard on 294.

Anonymous said...

Lady K going to a call involving a crime? Stop it. A P ticket is a stretch for FTO Erica.

Anonymous said...

"Good morning, Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe. How may I help you?" "My name is Chip and I'd like to file a lawsuit." "And who would you like to sue?" "This person named 'Anonymous.' They've been posting things that are true about me on a blog. My wife reads this blog and is getting mad. Last time she got this mad, I almost had to go back to driving an American made car, get an apartment in Berwyn, and sell my Harley."

"Click...dial tone"

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh Chippers!!! For someone that knows all the “laws & rules/regulations” for EVERYTHING, he sure is Dumb!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't quit your day job, comedy is not for you

Anonymous said...

When you do your walk through here, you don't really need to check the girls bathroom. The girls get scared when you burst through the door yelling "Is everybody decent!" And when you walk around outside, it's not necessary to peer into every classroom window staring and smiling. The one newer teacher says you don't have to "escort" her out of town every day, also. It's creeping her out.

Staff at Home School