Thursday, December 19, 2019

Forest View Debt Assistance

A management position requires experience and a proven track record of some kind.  We already know that our village president appointed a fire chief with no experience. As for his track record?  It looks like he can’t even manage his own finances.  With his home in the beginning stages of foreclosure for defaulting with an $80,000 SBA lien on top, what does the fire chief do?  He goes on a Disney vacation.  He will soon be renting a home in town like our one trustee who lost her home in foreclosure.

Firemen get to sleep in the fire station when they are on duty.  Soon the fire chief will be living in the fire station.

Great pick there Larry! This dude can’t even manage his own finances and you have him managing the fire department.  Maybe that is why he needed the high paying chief job so bad.  Did you know about this Larry?  Was this all part of the plan to get him back on his feet?  I guess it didn’t work out the way you all planned.

Allowing the deputy chief to steal from the village with his specially crafted super secret overtime deal and now this.  Free village money for all! Where do we sign up?


Sal is a pendejo. said...

Maybe he could get a houseboat and live on the canal?

Anonymous said...

Need to vote out all these do nothing trustees and president. Can't believe they are allowing this crap to continue.

Anonymous said...

This blog has shown me that we need to fire the entire police and fire staff and start over. Sounds like every single one needs to be replaced!

Anonymous said...

But the blog is all I lie. Isn’t it Larry?

Anonymous said...

How about that decrepit old dinosaur of a cop z they had working there. The guy could barely walk. Between his bs stories of his glory days at CPD and his half retarded “kid” who works in the ghetto everyone’s ears almost fell off.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

How about that decrepit old dinosaur of a cop z they had working there. The guy could barely walk. Between his bs stories of his glory days at CPD and his half retarded “kid” who works in the ghetto everyone’s ears almost fell off.

WAHAHAHAHA - He couldn't walk but some fat beer thief who would try to "disarm" him wouldn't have gotten away. The metals on that old fuck's class A are real not eBay specials he self awarded. At least the old man banged his wife and had a kid instead of playing video games while the wife pleasured herself.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
How about that decrepit old dinosaur of a cop z they had working there. The guy could barely walk. Between his bs stories of his glory days at CPD and his half retarded “kid” who works in the ghetto everyone’s ears almost fell off.

December 20, 2019 at 8:33 PM
Jeff, are you still following 12 year old girls around town and ogling Angel's daughter. She might be legal now, not like when you licked your lips at her when she was 13.

Anonymous said...

Not Larry, just a citizen and an experienced manager. If you were in my department, you would be let go. You have shown that you're not part of the team and worse, you've shown that your against it. You have shown that can't be trusted to back up your fellow officers or enforce the law fairly. You can't attack citizens and expect them to trust you. If you are so unhappy then you should leave and find a department that you do like. Don't expect the town to change the president, fire chief, police chief, several coworkers, a park guard and all the trustees, just to make YOU happy. It's not going to happen,the whole town is not committed to just YOUR needs. In fact, we aren't even concerned with YOUR needs.
You missed out on the hiring call for the La Grange police department back in October. Would have been a shorter commute from La Grange Park. You missed Brookfield too. Of course both of those towns would expect you to work. However, if the person in charge of hiring saw this blog, they would never hire anyone from here. You have made yourself and your fellow officers toxic.
Do you have a blog about the Berwyn Fire Department or is your significant other too smart to let you fuck up her job too?
Word from the wise, stop this garbage, it's not achieving what you want to achieve. Find a new job and enjoy your new house and your new fence and air your grievances privately and/or through proper channels

ImKrazy. Next time I'll start by calling you out by name

PS, it's funny how the people who aren't in charge and never have been, always think that they are smarter than those who are in charge. It's never true

Your lucky this isn't the military or there would be a soap party held just for you, you've earned it.

Anonymous said...

Guess if you can't have kids, you stalk them.

Sal is a pendejo. said...

"WAHAHAHAHA - He couldn't walk but some fat beer thief who would try to "disarm" him wouldn't have gotten away. The metals on that old fuck's class A are real not eBay specials he self awarded. At least the old man banged his wife and had a kid instead of playing video games while the wife pleasured herself."

Take that, chipmunk!

Anonymous said...

Chef and Dumpty Chef have been heard from. Who did you two have type this post for you?

Leticia from Shell said...

Oh Gar-Bear, you know I love it when you talk mean and get rough! Remember when the Frito man walked in on us and you told him you were going to arrest him for being a peeping tom? Sometimes when I'm home alone late at night, I still think about that. You know you'll always get free pop from us!
Sometimes the big guy, Sal stops by. He says he's going to be chief of police soon. I don't like him. He's always frowning and has a scary haircut.

Anonymous said...

“Not Larry, just a citizen and an experienced manager.”

But you happen to know a lot about the police department.

“You can't attack citizens and expect them to trust you”.

You can’t expect a department to trust a chief who PHYSICALLY attacks citizens and call them niggers. Has sexual relations while on duty with gas station attendants. Gets demoted from commander over not doing his job.

”You have made yourself and your fellow officers toxic.”

You must be referring to the officer you followed around trying to find all the time. Stepped down because he didn't get promoted and talked shit about the department to everyone that would listen.

“You have shown that can't be trusted to back up your fellow officers or enforce the law fairly.”

Now we know you are talking about romance homewrecker Leo who runs to the bathroom to avoid any kind of police work that might mess up his hair gel?

“PS, it's funny how the people who aren't in charge and never have been, always think that they are smarter than those who are in charge. It's never true.”

The people in charge.. lets see… A chief who blows up can can’t keep his cool even in a village board meeting. He needs his wife to babysit him and calm him down. A chief who was suspended at least once every year of his career in Stickney for rule violations like losing his gun in the back of a squad car. You have a deputy chief who never went to a real police academy because he couldn’t pass a power test. Can't even do a small department police schedule right. Got a fire chief who can’t manage his own money or keep a firehouse staffed. If this is what we call smart, maybe we should all look for new jobs.

Go ahead Gary, call me out because you have no clue who is really behind this blog anyway. For all you know it can be someone you share a bed with and I don't mean imbaSal.

Just another goof swinging from the management nutsack.

Anonymous said...

maybe we should all look for new jobs.

That's the spirit! Start today

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe we should all look for new jobs.

That's the spirit! Start today

Looks like it's already happening except for those who were promised shit or those who are afraid to do actual police work at a different busy department. Don't expect the new people to stay long either. They probably already have jobs lined up when they catch that full time certification.

Anonymous said...

Couldn’t have said it better myself!

Anonymous said...

Most people are smarter then the ones that are in charge now, they are all a joke!! And talk about Krazy... Ya we know Chief is Krazy, but that’s an understatement. He has no business being the police, let alone the chief. I’m surprised he doesn’t have lawsuits lined up for the way he treats people. But then again I guess when you threaten them, they just leave it be.

Anonymous said...

He may have a lot of stories from CPD but they were all legit. He’s seen a lot in his time, unlike you Mr. Wellington, the stories you have are from the cemetery, while your watching your movies or sleeping. But wait no one cares to talk to you, your just an asshole who’s only out for themself.

Surveillance Team A said...

”You have made yourself and your fellow officers toxic.”

If you got rid of the top two, two police officers, and a dispatcher in that place, maybe you could turn it around. Right now it's like a dysfunctional, inbred family that lives in a trailer park full of stray dogs. OK, Doogie, run to papa and lil papa and give them their daily blog report.

Anonymous said...

Heard someone from FV took the test for Stickney to get away from the smart guys at the top. Finally realized his detective shield was just a doggie treat to keep him loyal to the tribe teepee master. puff puff pass fatass. Never would have thought heavy hand wiseman would ever be chief anywhere. He should have just called it quits after he retired from here. No one liked him here at our department... good riddance.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In this 8 man police department, you're looking at possibly 2 retirements in the next few years, the new people not staying, and another possibly jumping ship. Perfect time to make it an all part time department. No deputy chief, no health insurance, no pension payments, no sick days, personal days, vacation pay. You can do this with about 21 part time people working 2 shifts per week. Only full time person may be the chief... a different chief.

Anonymous said...

You missed out on the hiring call for the La Grange police department back in October. Would have been a shorter commute from La Grange Park. You missed Brookfield too. Of course both of those towns would expect you to work.

There's sure some runnin and gunnin, non stop action in those two places. Well, more than Funnyview and it's neighbors.

Anonymous said...

Welp looks like the blog ran out of steam... either that or who ever wrote the initial rant figured that it’s pointless to hide anonymously behind the shadow of a keyboard.

Anonymous said...

And just like that this blog flatlined.

Traffic Stop Warrior said...

Happy New Year, Funnyview!
Now for 2020 predictions:

1.At least one board member will have to get with the program, or go back to soccer mom status.

2. Gar-Bear; He gone. He'll get to spend his time yelling at the TV or his 75 step kids. His days of impersonating a chief are over. Nationwide search for his successor? Naw. Possibly someone from Funnyview's past? Good Possibility. Someone he fucked over? Oh,oh!

3. Well, if #1 is gone, #2 is out the door. Depending on how he accepted his deputy chief gig, he may be looking for truants in Plainfield, or possibly have to answer to someone he fucked over in Funnyview.

4. Tugboat Tommie. Well, back to doing nursing home transports. His successor? Could it be the guy who wears a half shoe? He can tell some new war stories of rushing into burning high rise fires ...or maybe putting out a dumpster fire at the mall. Actually, anyone in that firehouse is more than qualified to run the whole show than Tugboat.

5. New park district board? Some problems with people on it now. Maybe a lottery to pick a couple residents for it. How about first 5 people to get vehicle tags at village hall are automatically appointed "Overseers of No Fun Park."Park "Ranger" gets a badge and a squad car with yellow lights to patrol the perimeter of the park.

6. Consolidation of dispatch for PD and FD. And the coke bottle glasses kid ain't the one picked to stay and be the face of Funnyview on the other side of the glass. Back to Micky D's and the fryer for you. Maybe go to Moraine Valley and see if they are offering barista classes. Naw, can't be spilling coffee all over the place.

7. Two of "Funnyview's Finest" get an awakening. One is told that he can no longer hide in the shitter every time a call comes over the radio. And one, an ex Sgt. known as Mr. Wellington, is told one more whiney tirade, and there will be repercussions. Write ups and suspensions for both. One will leave and work security at an all girl's high school. Days of stalking and hiding are over.

8. Large company in town will start asking questions about the K-9 they bought. Where is he, what does he do, and why is he getting so fat, and never riding in the K-9 mobile?

9. Media scrutiny hits Funnyview! Mayor, Village Board, Park District Board, Police Department, and Fire Department all rush to deflect subpoenas and burn out the motor on an least 1 paper shredder.

Anonymous said...

Lol Far from out of steam.... Don’t you worry, information is still brewing!!!

Anonymous said...

1. Gar-Bear can’t afford to go anywhere, with his 75 step kids he has to pay for, and all the debt from new cars & home remodel.

2. If #2 gone as the dumpety I’m sure he will still find a way to stay on the department, I mean after all he has found a way to steal village funds!

3. If tugboat looses his sweet gig, it will be an even better explanation as to why he’s loosing his house.

4. There are 2 well qualified candidates for “Park Ranger” Lady K & Mr Wellington, they would both be the Best fit!! Or even Chief, I mean he monitors it all day everyday while in his office, with his eyes closed of course.

5. You know Mr Shakes already ran to #2 crying about how the blog says he’s not getting a job he was “promised”. Truth is No other job will allow him to come to work still drunk or smelling like booze lol.

6. Once the media gets involved they will really have questions to answer, so they better start getting their bullshit lined up now, there is a lot of it!!

Anonymous said...

Ok Boomer XD

Anonymous said...

Prediction, all of Forest view is not going to change for you. Maybe you should move someplace that will better fit your needs, like a Looney bin

Anonymous said...

Please elaborate on "the program". I would love to see your manifesto

Anonymous said...

Media scrutiny will uncover Jim Sudcamp violating the Illinois code of ethics for voting for the village to give his kid money. I'm sure that we can prove that Mike Grossi knows the family connection and Jim's kid is probably a personal friend and he voted for it too.
I don't think that I'm going to wait for someone to read the blog and maybe someday do something. I'm going to send out info to the appropriate authorities on Monday.
Prediction: it's going to suck to be you.
Correction: it's going to suck even more to be you

Anonymous said...

PS. Don't attack everyone and then ask for their prayers. It's very bad form. Be a decent person and people will pray for your family without you asking.

Traffic Stop Warrior said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Media scrutiny will uncover Jim Sudcamp violating the Illinois code of ethics for voting for the village to give his kid money. I'm sure that we can prove that Mike Grossi knows the family connection and Jim's kid is probably a personal friend and he voted for it too.
I don't think that I'm going to wait for someone to read the blog and maybe someday do something. I'm going to send out info to the appropriate authorities on Monday.
Prediction: it's going to suck to be you.
Correction: it's going to suck even more to be you

January 12, 2020 at 12:09 AM
Mr. Wellington heard from again. Pretty soon you'll have to be in witness long as it's near Nazareth Academy.

And shakey, coke - bottle glasses kid, clock's a tickin. Better get that app in for "frymaster" at Micky D before the kids get out of school. Heard Lady K is available as an "Emotional Support Chicken."

Now go do your daily cry to papa and lil papa.